The Gluten Patient perspectives on gluten grain intolerances and sensitivities including the celiac disease subset, and the risks of gluten challenges for diagnostic purposes.
also, Gluten,,,
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Initial Adverse Reactions to GF Diet |
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Disclaimers and Copyright Information This website is noncommercial and not for profit. We have no financial interest in products or services mentioned on this site. ~~~ The Gluten Grain Sensitivities Primer, The Gluten Grain Sensitivities Circle Diagram, the 7 Medical Viewpoints Chart and other pages exclusive to The are free for distribution on the internet or in print. Permission must be obtained to change any content. Copyright information for research articles or otherwise that have been imported onto this site with permission will be clearly marked. This material may not be used for profit. It may be offered for free download on a commercial website if no purchase is required. If distributed in print form, inexpensive printing costs may be recovered. Check this website and others frequently for updated information.
Text Ó 2006 Olive Kaiser
I am a patient, not
a medical expert, but share with others information
that I have personally found helpful.
Be aware that knowledge in these areas is rapidly changing and some information contained on this website may become obsolete.
Please continue to stay in touch with well informed healthcare professionals and remain abreast of current research in order to make well informed decisions regarding your own health care.
Contact Us PO Box 625 Addison, Il 60101
Site owner: Mrs. Olive Kaiser
Please submit articles and personal stories to this email.
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UPDATE: I apologize that the most recent schedules of around once a month and then every other month was not updated here. We will post as needed or around the first of April and June of 2009. Call Dan for further information. His cell is not posted here but call any one of us for it, see below under contacts.
Updates on Dan's accident
Our son, Dan, age 30, was seriously injured Monday, August 4, in a skydiving accident. He thinks he misjudged a maneuver and landed way too hard. He was taken to Racine WI, and then moved by ambulance to Froedtert Hospital in Milwaukee, WI, a level one trauma center after assessment.
So thank you all for your prayers, love, patience and the many ways you have supported Dan and our family in the multitude of details to attend at this time. Also thank you for all the referrals for doctors, rehab centers, etc. We are open to ideas from all directions. Warm appreciation, John, Olive, David, Dan, Tim, Su and Drew, Phil and Steve
Dan had a lot of severe pain last night but I think due to the anesthesia he may have actually slept a little more. He's always ready for hourly pain meds. He can bend his right knee up and down significantly more today, and touch sensation is more specific on the right foot and toes. No movement yet in either foot. The left toes were less responsive this morning but still some sensation and that is his broken leg. We were encouraged by several cheerful visitors this the morning. Later Dan got a longer than usual nap. Physical therapy planned to assess Dan and plan a course of "action". He is notably less than thrilled about movement considering long incisions front and back on top of the original injuries, but he knows he needs it and needs to get off his back after 3 1/2 days flat.
I'll upload pictures as soon as I can get them off the cameras. In the mean time here are snaps from Drew and Su's wedding in March. Dan is on the left of the photo above.
Once again we thank you all for your visits, positive words of encouragement, gifts, plants, details in regard to arrangements we are at a loss to handle and most of all for your loving prayers. Here is a Bible verse that I liked very much when I looked it up in the Amplified Translation James 5:16 Confess to one another therefore your faults (your slips, your false steps, your offenses, your sins) and pray [also] for one another, that you may be healed and restored [to a spiritual tone of mind and heart]. The earnest (heartfelt, continued) prayer of a righteous man makes tremendous power available [dynamic in its working]. We know we need tremendous power right now. God explains how that all works in this verse. Since He is the Creator and extremely capable I think the instructions here are good to latch onto, firmly. Olive Kaiser (Mom) Click on Show/Hide links below for updates.
The computer remote
connection is figured out now and I apologize for the update delay. Dan
has had progress and some setback yesterday and today. And he has had
many many visitors to brighten his days. We thank you all for your
dedication to drive so far, and for all the fun gifts, food activity
ideas, etc. He is surrounded by love and friends and that is an
incredible privilege
On the positive side, his
right knee moves well and he continues to have sensation everywhere, to
a much lesser degree on the broken left leg side. Not much change there
in the past 3 days. Physical therapy got him up to sit on the side of
the bed yesterday, and actually in a wheelchair today for a short time.
But these moves were very painful and short.
The downer is that he has
developed some wicked headaches that hit as soon as he tries to sit up
to any degree. Pain meds don't touch them as quickly or well as we
would like. So a CT head scan was done today and another med is on
trial tonight.. They looked for fluid leaks in the membrane that
envelopes the brain and spinal cord but nothing was found. But the
headaches hinder physical therapy for the moment. Maybe the neuro team
will have some ideas in the morning.
The word now on his long
term prognosis is that there is a good possibility that Dan will walk to
some degree someday, perhaps with the aid of braces or a walker. We
pray of course for full recovery in God's time.
John Steve and Phil were up
today. I, Olive, am settled in for as needed daytime use of Kathy's
House near the hospital. Kitchen privileges, laundry, and address for
package deliveries, and rooms for the night when the family needs them.
I sleep in the folding chair bed beside Dan so far.
For our church friends,
there has been no praise and prayer post because the P&P server is
down. I attempted several times this week to send out private emails to
my own address book list and the address book is not behaving. So if
folks could pass on this web link to those they think would want it it
would help us. Muchas gracias.
The daily Bible reading for Dan and I today
included comforting promises from Psalms 31. IN YOU, O Lord, do I put my trust and
seek refuge; let me never be put to shame or [have my hope in You]
disappointed; deliver me in Your righteousness! Bow down Your ear to me, deliver me
speedily! Be my Rock of refuge, a strong Fortress to save me! Yes, You are my Rock and my
Fortress; therefore for Your name's sake lead me and guide me. Draw me out of the net that they have
laid secretly for me, for You are my Strength and my Stronghold. Into Your hands I commit my spirit;
You have redeemed me, O Lord, the God of truth and faithfulness. [You and] I abhor those who pay
regard to vain idols; but I trust in, rely on, and confidently lean on
the Lord.
Many thanks for your love
and prayers,
Danny was flat today and will remain so until
6 am tomorrow morning due to the severe headaches that surfaced a couple of days
ago. His neuro surgeon suspects a spinal fluid leak and wants to give the
body a chance to seal on it's own.
His pain level is still pretty high often,
even without headaches, 7-8 on a
1-10 scale, movement is about the same and it is hard to find comfortable
positions. His back is the biggie. Like he is lying on a "lego",
according to his description.
Dan is also starting to eat some real solid foods
but with some caution, since he is still flat and his digestive system is
in the process of "waking up". Chicken quesadillas were a hit. Thank you everyone for treats, etc.
Please understand if some items don't work on his system right now.
The nurses who work so hard to keep him comfortable appreciate goodies,
particularly the night shift, and we have shared some of your delectable
contributions with them.
Dan's body is working on "waking up" from
the trauma and anesthesia. It's a long slow and not so comfortable
process. But it's encouraging.
Dan is doing upper body exercises and
breathing exercises to prevent lung issues, but can't start formal rehab
until the headaches are under control. Physical therapy comes in
once or twice a day to exercise and massage the legs and feet. He's up for a foot massage from anyone handy.
Here are some snaps of Dan and others from a
couple of days ago.
Dr. Rau, Dan's neurosurgeon
(spinal repair).
IV bruises
We'll post more pics of Dan with friends.
These happened to be in my phone which I have with me tonight. A
heartfelt thanks to everyone again the effort and miles you have driven to
support Dan.
Dan reminded some of us today of a favorite
verse of his, "Greater love has no man than this, that he lay
down his life for his friends." John 15:13
We looked up the context and here are several
more verses from that passage.
Just as the Father has loved Me, I have also loved
you; abide in My love. "If
you keep My commandments, you will abide in My love; just as I have kept My
Father's commandments and abide in His love.
"These things I have spoken to you so that My joy may be in you, and that
your joy may be made full.
"This is My commandment, that you love one another, just as I have loved you.
"Greater love has no one than this, that one lay down his life for his
"You are My friends if you do what I command you."
The amazing part is that Jesus Christ, the
Creator, willingly laid down His life for his enemies.
Dan started his day today easing his bed up
almost imperceptibly to check out the headache situation but then Dr. Rau
called with the decision to go another 24 hours flat. Bummer!! but
hey Dr. Rau's in charge.
Milkshake today for breakfast, homemade beef
bone broth later, and Su appeared later with some chicken broth and
veggies and other selections in her portable cooler. Mom ran to
Kathy's House to prepare food and then home for various duties. Su
stayed until evening. Mom will return sometime during the night.
Dan's digestive system continues to wake up
and grumble.
Movement issues are about the same. Dan
is wearing bright blue velcro "boots" to help keep the feet in proper
alignment. Rehab and the move to the spinal floor is waiting for the
headaches to resolve. But Dan stayed flat all day and avoided that
extra stress. Other injuries still uncomfortable.
Lots of visitors as usual. Thank you
all for your attention.
FYI, Olive's cell ringer bothers Dan so it's
on vibrate most of the time.
Verses of encouragement from today's Bible
Oh how great is Your goodness, which you have
laid up for them that fear You: which you have wrought for them that trust
in You before the sons of men. Psalm 31:19
Be of good courage, and He shall strengthen
your heart, all you that hope in the Lord. Psalm 31:19-24
Dan tried to sit up this morning, in small
increments, and yes unfortunately the headaches did return as he sat up
higher. He lay back down and didn't let it develop to the same extent.
An MRI was done tonight and he is back to flat on his back, but at least
he isn't fighting a headache.
Today was quiet. Danny is a little
more comfortable than the past few days, meaning he rates the pain
at 5-6 compared to 7-9.
The occupational therapist spent time with
Dan He's learning how to put on hospital trousers with those
"grabby things" and we discussed future rehab options. But first
the "sitting up" headaches need to go.
So overall, a little bit better day.
Thank you all for your prayers.
Our good friend Jim Ensign and webmaster
for this website (along with our Steve, now), kindly put up the
guestbook today. Several have already signed it, and I read the
entries to Dan tonight. He was visibly touched. Thanks
Oh praise the Lord for His goodness
and His wonderful works to the children of men"
Thank you Lord for allowing Dan a better
overall day.
Dan rated today for pain and discomfort
as a 5 on a 1-10 scale. So we are thankful for progress.
He started out keeping his bed partly reclined without a headaches,
but later today physical therapy put him in a wheelchair and then it
did come back but did not come on as fast or as severe as the first
few days . He toughed it out for 30 minutes and then went back
to bed and Dr. Rau put him flat on his back again. Dr Rau then
gave him a choice of another 2 days flat to see if the healing which
is obviously happening slowly, completes on its own, or the option of
a procedure in which his own blood is injected into the site of the
spine to encourage healing of the fluid leaks that they cannot find on
imaging. Since either option involves 2 days flat, he chose the
injection procedure, hoping it will move the rehab schedule up on the
Lying flat is a bummer and restricts
eating a lot. He had a hamburger this evening, but mostly It's easier
to swallow fluids or soft pudding type foods so I came up with a
couple of homemade chicken and beef bone broths and stews, pureed
buttered butternut squash, eggnog, homemade ice cream with chocolate
or peach topping and a frozen coconut cream peach pie that
mainly melts on it's own. Plus
papaya lime pudding and some chicken salad with roasted red pepper
spread that is almost pureed. So there are some choices for the
next few days while I run back home. The staff has been great
about letting me use a freezer on the floor and it has been awesome to
have Kathy's House to prepare food.
Physical therapy
explained today that the hamstring responds at least in the right leg,
So something very low in the back is still working. Yaay We
welcomed several visitors this evening and Dan is now asleep,
hopefully for a quiet, restful night
Tomorrow Su plans to spend the day with
Dan, and Phil will relieve her in the evening. I plan to return
to Addison after a stop at Kathy's House to throw together some
grilled flatbread for Su and Dan. (A favorite at our house.) We
have a co-op pickup at our house on Thursdays.
I plan to return Friday by noon,
Lord Willing. I appreciate the effort expended by Matt Buchanan and
Dave Thonney (boarders our kids age) who have kept our 3 fat cats fed
and watered, and a number of plants inside and out wet and happy
in between rains. And general housekeeping duties performed by
John, Steve, our David and Matt Buchanan and Dave Thonney.
I spoke to John on the phone today and he
told me of many phone calls he's received at Bible Truth Publishers
from our friends all over the country who are concerned and care.
Thank you also for the voice mail messages, cards, gifts, and items to
fill the hours when time hangs heavy. Your support and concern and
most of all your prayers are an awesome encouragement.
"Lean Hard" is a
meditation that meant a lot to me as a young single working girl when
I went through what seemed at the time a dark valley. I
memorized the last paragraph then and just now I googled it and found
an expanded (original?) version. Here it is. So often we
want to be the hero and carry the burdens alone. As Dan travels
the next miles of his life may these truths become very real to Him.
Lean hard!
and let Me feel the pressure of
your care.
I know your burden, child! I shaped
it - poised it in My own hand and made
For even as I laid it on, I said I shall
be near, and while he leans on Me,
this burden shall be Mine, not his.
So shall I keep My child within the
circling arms of My own love.
Here lay it down! Do not fear to impose
it on a shoulder which upholds the government of worlds!
Yet closer come! You are not near enough!
I would embrace your burden,
You love Me! I know it. Doubt not, then.
But, loving me, lean hard!"
This is part of an email
from Su who stayed with Dan today while Mom ran back home. Phil
is taking the night shift. Dan was expecting to get the "blood
treatment" to try to seal the spinal leak that is likely causing the
headaches, but maybe they didn't take him at 3 pm as planned.
Between meeting and other errands and activities we missed getting an
update from them before Dan's bedtime. We'll post on this
tomorrow. And appreciate prayer that this procedure will help.
NOTE: Aug 15, Dan did have the procedure
and has moved to Room 5SE 16. He is supposed to be flat for
another 2 days unless the dr changed that order.
"I am in with Dan right
now and he is getting physical therapy. He can bend and extend his
knees and the therapist says he is doing really well. They still
think he has a leak in his spinal fluid (even though they couldn't
find it on the MRI) so today or tomorrow they plan to inject some
blood into the spinal fluid and hopefully clot off the hole. He is
holding up very well and just taking things a day at a time." Su
The eye of the LORD is on those who fear
Dan learned how to put on socks today in
physical therapy. He sat for an hour in a wheelchair without a
headache until the very end. Even then it wasn't a bad headache,
just a threat of one with some dizziness. Perhaps the procedure
yesterday helped seal the spinal leak. Thank you Lord!
He has moved now to the spinal cord unit,
new room number is 5SE 16. The room is smaller so a lot of stuff
has gone back to Chicago with Phil and Su in preparation hopefully for
his move to Rehab Institute of Chicago next week.. Mom drove back
up this afternoon after a day at home. No chair bed in this room.
Danny has adjusted enough that there is less reason to need to sleep in
his room so the family center downstairs gave me a cubby for the night.
The hospital has been unusually accommodating of family needs.
Today's devotional included 1 Corinthians
There has no trial taken you but such as is
common to man: But God is faithful, Who will not let you be tried
above what you are able; but will with the trial also make a way of
escape, that you may be able to bear it..
Also Psalm 34: 8,9
O taste and see that the Lord is good:
blessed is the man that trusts in Him
Dan is better today. He can sit up and be
in a wheelchair without headaches, so probably the blood patch on
Thursday helped, thanks Lord. He is still in a lot of pain of course,
but the parts that CAN move are moving more freely.
This was a fairly quiet day
for Danny. Occupational therapy helped him learn to clean up on
his own, and he spent time in the morning in physical therapy. He
says it hurts a lot. I found him in a commons room in the PT area on the
internet after therapy was finished. He can get around on his own in the
wheelchair and it is good to see him out of bed. He was in bed the rest
of the day and evening. Tomorrow we hope to hear more details on a
move to Chicago to the rehab facility.
Our Scripture reading this
Lord's Day morning was in John, the crucifixion and resurrection.
"These things are written,
that you might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and
that believing you might have life through His Name. John 20:31
Dan went to
physical therapy in the morning and early afternoon and enjoyed
visits with several friends in the afternoon. Each day brings some more
self help skills. Thank you all for your prayers. God hears and is
answering prayer.
I apologize for posting this late.
Dan had a "normal" day today that included physical therapy, visitors,
and also the staples in his back were removed. So his back is a
little more comfortable. Otherwise pain levels are about the same.
A bed at RIC, (Rehab Instititute
of Chicago) opened up a day early, so Dan moves Wednesday.
Dan will now have a much
more structured routine with visiting hours. There are parking issues.
There are a couple of parking garages about a block away. Fees are
$10/day with RIC validation, valet parking $11 with validation.
Street parking is limited to meters which must be fed and is generally
not recommended. Here is a link to the patient/visitor info page
of RIC's website.
We do not have Dan's room
number yet. Only the patient can give it out or the visitor must
be present in person to receive the number so bear with us until we get
these details.
"The Lord is good, a
stronghold in the day of trouble, and He knows them which trust in Him."
Nahum 1:7
Thank you Lord for your
Presence in this trial, for preparing a way to RIC. We trust You
for a safe transport, to bless this move, and the treatment provided at
RIC. Bless Danny spirit, soul, and body in this new phase of his
Dan moved to RIC (Rehabilitation Institute
of Chicago) this morning. The transfer went smoothly and he says
he is fairly well settled into Room 732. He spent the rest of the
day with doctors doing exams and assessments. He'll likely
know his schedule more by tomorrow.
Visiting hours are 8 am - 8 pm but likely
he will often be out of the room in therapy so it's best to inquire
before visiting and we will post his schedule as we find it out.
John and I just returned from a flying trip
to Nashville for a family funeral which took place this morning. A
couple from our church offered to drive us down, which was a great help.
Dan was ready to be on his own so I felt free to go, thinking Dan likely
would move on Thursday and we'd be back for the transfer. But hey,
the move went just fine without us (what a surprise!! :-)
The following passage was read at
the funeral today and it was easy to relate
to it. I love the L
17 I
will offer you a sacrifice of thanksgiving
Dan's meds are reduced by 50% and he is in
a lot of pain, levels back up to 8 or so. More assessments were
done this morning, some physical therapy and group therapy. He was
finished by noon. Mom dropped in at that point for a short visit
and to pick up some items to take home. Dan got back in bed while
I was there. He was ready to get out of the wheelchair. It's
his back that hurts.
Even with his pain, Dan was a little bummed
that he didn't get more therapy today. But once the pain and
everything else is adjusted, and his pelvis is a little better healed
he may be begging for mercy.
RIC has a reputation for working patients hard. He needed some
laundry done, and the nurse assured me that he could do it himself right
on the floor if he wished, or they would do it for him this time
considering his pain levels.
The hospital address and directions below
have been changed to the RIC info.
Mom ran down to RIC in the morning and
spent most of the rest of the day trying to deal with a house and food
issues that have been up for grabs for for the past nearly 3 weeks.
Many many thanks to Nelson Santiago, Matt Buchanan, David Thonney, and
our boys, Steve, David and John for watering plants, tending cats and other "urgent" needs. Matt Buchanan
and David Thonney are moving out of our home and into an apartment this
weekend, Lord Willing. We wish them well as they "get on their
own", a fun and enlightening stage of life. :-)
Also a huge thank you to Phil and Joanna
Buchanan who drove us to Jim Thomson's funeral in Nashville. I
arrived home from Milwaukee at 4 am Tuesday morning and we left at 6 am.
No way would I have had the energy to go otherwise after five full
night's sleep lost over the past 2 weeks, and John needed a nighttime
driver to go with him. But it was calming and uplifting to
experience the comfort and encouragement of reflection on Jimmy's quiet
but exemplary Christian life, his joy now in the presence of his Lord,
and to share fellowship with many others who know and understand "like
precious faith". Of course everyone asked about Danny.
Thank you all for your continued prayers.
Satan is busy getting his licks in, so it's helps to remember that :
"Greater is He that is in you, than he that
is in the world." I John 4:4
Dan has been moved to another room, 702.
This time he has a view of Lake Michigan which is a LOT nicer than the
other room, which had no view at all to speak of.
I spoke to him briefly this morning and
tonight. He had a normal day, with a rehab schedule and visitors
this evening. His pain had settled some this morning when I
called around breakfast, but that was before he got in the wheelchair.
Sitting in the wheelchair is apparently pretty difficult for long
periods of time on this new med schedule.
To clarify a comment that came up on the
guestbook today. There have been a couple of times over the past
two weeks when an almost imperceptible twitch (not a wiggle, a tiny
twitch on command) has been detected in the toes of Dan's right foot
(the unbroken leg). It is usually not there, and we haven't
mentioned it on this update page because it was so very slight and
otherwise has not been not repeatable. But since it came up we can
all rejoice together that this has happened at all.
Thank you Lord for this gift, small, but it
offers hope for the future.
And thanks to all of you out there who have
encouraged and supported Dan and our family in so many ways. Your
guestbook messages, cards, calls, gifts and visits are exceptionally
uplifting and cheering.
We hope (trust) in a living God, who is the
Preserver of all men, specially of those that believe.
Timothy 4:10
John and I visited Dan early this morning
on the way to Grand Rapids for our dear sister Doris Patten's funeral.
Dan has moved to Room 702. It is a very nice corner room with
large continuous windows on the east and south sides, with a 7th floor
view of Lake Michigan. A real gift of sunshine. He has a
roommate whom we have not yet met.
Danny's therapy is in the morning and so
far his afternoons and evenings are free. This may partly be
because he is not weight bearing yet due to his pelvic injuries and
broken leg.
The best part of the visit was that Dan
showed us he can now move the toes of his right foot a little!
More than what I mentioned yesterday. He can't always do it, but
it is pretty exciting to see such obvious progress.
2Have mercy on me and be gracious to me, O
Lord, for I am weak; O Lord, heal me, for my bones are troubled. Psalm 6:2
I am the LORD that heals you.
Exodus 15:26
Dan did not have therapy today due to the
weekend, and enjoyed visits with several good friends. They took
him out in the wheelchair to Lake Shore Drive. Unfortunately, it
is hard for him to be in the wheelchair too long. Pain skyrockets
after a time. He still experiences pain levels around 8 on a 1-10
scale when he is up in the chair and 5-6 at other times.
Dan is also having trouble sleeping.
The staff put him on his side and it doesn't seem possible to get him
perfectly aligned so he can rest comfortably. Eventually he goes
back flat and manages to get an hour or so but nowhere near a good
night's sleep.
On the positive side we are still cheering
the new "real" toe wiggles in his right foot.
this Lord's Day, the day Jesus asked us to specially remember Him, we
recall His incredible invitation,
Dan had a normal day. Therapy in the
morning included some exercises and they taught him how to get in and
out of a car and on and off couches, etc. He also got a new
wheelchair that should ease some of his discomfort, but by the time he
got it today he was already hurting and couldn't assess the difference.
Danny also mentioned that last night he got
a much better sleep. They staff got him in a good position on his
side and he had several hours of rest. He says to tell everyone
who was praying for him that "It worked!" Thank you again for
today's visitors, comments on his guestbook, cards and faithful prayers
of so many to a faithful, reliable God, Who numbers the hairs on our
heads and knows when a sparrow falls.
Here is a link to a
picture of Danny's
spinal prosthesis (spacer) that replaces his L4 vertebrae.
Su found it online and a number of his hospital visitors were interested
to see it. Those of you with back problems unfortunately are all
too familiar with these contraptions. We can be very grateful to
the hard work of many caring medical professionals who have designed
these devices.
Dan spent time sitting balancing on a table
today, leaning various ways etc. He had another decent night's
rest last night. He has skipped some doses of the pain meds, but
not when he is in his wheelchair. That still really hurts and he
still rates pain about the same as before, 8 in the chair, and 5-6 out
of the chair, but skipping the doses means progress.
"Is it well with the lad? And she answered,
It is well." 2 Chronicles 4:26 The mom in this Bible
story had every natural reason NOT to speak the above words. But
she spoke them trusting that from God's point of view they were true.
And they were.
Dan had visitors Wednesday and typical
stretching therapy, which hurts. Unfortunately a poor night,
Wednesday night, with little sleep.
Since his days are getting pretty similar,
just with therapy time variations, we will post updates
every other evening on even numbered nights.
If there is major news in between then we'll put that up too as it comes
Since Mom did not post last night, (I was
out of town for the day until late) this post is as of early afternoon
Thursday. I'll add to it tonight, and then post again Saturday
night unless something noteworthy comes up. Some members of our
family plan to go to a Bible conference in Kentucky tomorrow through
Labor Day, but we should still be able to post using a remote
connection. (Thanks, Steve, our in house computer whiz!).
A typical day today for Dan. Su
dropped in to bring him some items, and a visit. Pain levels and
movement are about the same. A better night's sleep after a very
uncomfortable night last night would be a blessing.
I will both lay me down in peace, and
sleep. Psalm 4:8 (Not quite as simple as it used to be), but :
My help comes from the L
In our phone conversation tonight, Dan says
everything is pretty much the same. Therapy schedules change each
day and he gets the schedule for the next day in the evening.
Movement is unchanged, pain levels similar and poor sleep often.
He has to be moved to positions on his side that often aren't
Dan has expressed that this will likely be
the pattern for a while. In a few weeks he probably will leave the rehab
hospital to heal more completely before further rehab requiring weight
bearing activities can begin.
I am writing this in the lobby of a motel
in Mayfield, Kentucky. The Bible meetings are over for the day.
Dan attended many similar conferences with us in past years. There
are five teenage girls hanging out together surfing the net, near me.
Some of them have been keeping up with Dan's progress online. So I asked
them to suggest a verse for Dan. Here is the one they chose.
""For I know the thoughts and plans that I
have for you, says the Lord, thoughts and plans for welfare and peace
and not for evil, to give you hope in your final outcome."
Jeremiah 29:11
Dan reports that he has gained a little
more movement in his foot (I assume this is the right foot.) since that
leg is unbroken. Since we have been in Kentucky and Missouri
we've not seen this new development.
Thank you all of you who faithfully visited
Dan and cheered him in other ways over the busy Labor Day weekend.
Endurance is hard and even a little hope
gives courage to ...endure. Here are some nice comments in Romans 5
about endurance and hope. (Note: "hope" in this context is a
definite promise.)
We have peace with God because of what
Jesus Christ our Lord has done for us... We can rejoice, too, when we
run into problems and trials, for we know that they help us develop
endurance. 4 And endurance develops
strength of character, and character strengthens our confident hope of
salvation. 5 And this hope will not lead to
disappointment. For we know how dearly God loves us, because He has
given us the Holy Spirit to fill our hearts with His love...
When we were utterly helpless, Christ came
at just the right time and died for us sinners. 7
For since our friendship with God was restored by the death of His Son
while we were still His enemies, we will certainly be saved through His
life.... 11 So now we can rejoice in our
wonderful new relationship with God because our Lord Jesus Christ has
made us friends of God.
A couple of new items to report here.
Yesterday the dr examined Dan's left leg, (the broken femur,
which was pinned a month ago tomorrow) and his pelvis, and healing has
progressed sufficiently to okay weight bearing therapy. Dan tried
standing on that leg on the parallel bars today. It hurt a lot,
naturally, and since he has little sensation in his left foot, he says
it didn't feel like he was standing. But hey it's a start.
Dr. also says some bone tissue is starting to grow in his pinned knee which
shouldn't be there. It is important for therapy to proceed and
hopefully curb this inappropriate growth before it turns into hard bone,
which would need surgery, which then would hold up further therapy until
that surgery healed. (Vicious cycle to avoid.)
More good news is that the dr has given a 2
week extension of Dan's current stint in the rehab hospital. At
some point he may need to leave rehab in order to heal for weeks or
months and then return for more aggressive therapy. If healing
could stay ahead of the therapy schedule all along he could avoid the
necessity to leave.
Everything else is the same, pain levels
around 5-6 unless he is in his wheelchair, in therapy, or during his
bad nights. Then they range to to around 8.
So, more on patience, the watchword these
days. "Better is the end of a thing than the beginning thereof:
And the patient in spirit is better than the proud in spirit.
Ecclesiastes 7:8
"Great is the Lord, and greatly to be
praised...We have thought of Your loving kindness, O God..., According
to Your Name, O God, so is Your praise to the ends of the earth...This
God is our God for ever, and ever: He will be our Guide even unto
death. Psalm 48: 1,9,10,14
Dan had therapy and visitors this morning
and then went out for the day with friends. This is not his first
excursion outside the hospital. Friends have taken him on "walks" in his
wheelchair near the hospital/ Lake Shore Drive area, and also out for a
meal. Today he visited them in their high rise condo on the
lakeshore which is close to the hospital. He sounded chipper when
I called just now, so likely getting out was good for his spirits.
I visited him on Friday and got to see his
new foot movement. He can flex his right ankle up and down about
10 or 20 degrees and from side to side (circling) about the same either
way. He just noticed a few days ago that he could do this when a
friend was visiting him. He also can transfer himself from
wheelchair to bed like a pro now and is moving much more normally in
However, the staff increased his meds back
up to close to the levels he needed in Milwaukee the first 2 weeks after
the accident and he is still in a lot of pain. Movement is
important for healing and he definitely can move better when the pain is
Our "dear" old friend and former boss at
Bible Truth Publishers in the 1970's, Clem Dear, age 93, went HOME to be
with the Lord Jesus last night...surely the happiest event in Clem's
life so far. He got his first glimpse of Jesus, face to face for
the first time, after a devoted life of tireless service to his
Savior!!! Psalm 17:15 talks about that moment "As for me, I will behold Your Face in
righteousness; I shall be satisfied, when I awake, with Your likeness."
All our defects and non working parts are going to be fine when this
happens, which is really good news, but on top of that, to resemble
Jesus Himself, the Creator of the Universe, too, is pretty awesome.
NOTE: John and I plan Lord Willing, to
attend Clem Dear's funeral in the St. Louis area, meaning we will be out
of town Monday night, when I would usually post the next update.
If I can't get the remote internet connection to work I will go onto
Dan's guestbook and post an update there.
September 08, 2008, Monday
I was unable to remote connect to our home
computer while in St. Louis for Clem Dear's funeral, so I posted on
Dan's guestbook. Here is a copy of the post.
Hi folks, We are in St. Louis
at my Dad and stepmother's home.
September 10, 2008, Wednesday
More good news!! Dan's right foot is
moving more than before, and now his left foot is moving a little (the
broken leg!) This is a first for left leg movement. God is
answering prayer. Thanks God!!
Dan spent time in the pool in rehab
practicing "walking" although he still can't feel when his left foot is
touching the bottom of the pool.
They that wait upon the LORD shall renew
their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall
run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint. Isaiah 40:31
condition is about the same as two days ago. He can move his left foot a
little now, as of mid week, and the right foot has more range of motion.
Still on a lot of pain meds for his back. He
plans to be out for the day on Saturday and possibly part of Sunday so
visitors need to call before they make the trip. Dan's
allotted time at Rehab Institute of Chicago is extended 2 weeks beyond
the original date of September 11 to about September 25. "My
grace is sufficient for you: for My strength is made perfect in
weakness.2 Corinthians12:9
Not much change. Dan visited friends
on Saturday and stayed at the hospital on Sunday. Everything is
about the same otherwise.
Thank you again for your prayers as the
time slowly stretches on.
As your day, so shall your strength, your
rest and security, be. Deuteronomy 33:25
I am the Lord Who heals you. Exodus
Dan is able to stay in his wheelchair
longer now, still on about the same high doses of meds. Of course
he is in and out for therapy and other activities. Before, he was
"done in" by 3 pm or so, but now he lasts until 6 or so before
he returns to bed.
He got going on a walker today, mainly
using his upper body. Naturally he is not alone for this activity.
He says his right foot movement is about 75% returned, but his pelvis
isn't healed enough to bear normal weight.
The L
Isaiah 40:28-31
Danny is doing more rehab in the pool and
on the walker using his upper body a lot, and mainly on the left leg.
Su visited him and was surprised how much movement he has in his feet.
Everything else is about the same.
You wilt keep in perfect peace the mind
stayed [on You], for he confideth in You. Isaiah 26:3
I apologize for the delayed posting.
We had an extra full weekend with late nights.
Dan went out visiting friends parts of both
Saturday and Sunday. He says everything is about the same.
He will see the doctor this week to
determine whether his pelvis, (particularly the right side) is healed
enough to stay at the hospital and continue therapy as an inpatient.
If not, he plans to move to the home of a good friend who lives near the
hospital for the duration of his healing time. If he moves he will
move on Friday, Lord Willing.
Jesus Christ, Whom we have redemption
through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of
His grace. Ephesians 1:5, 7
I visited Dan today and he was busy sitting
up in bed doing some paperwork. He looked pretty good, and it's
encouraging to see him move his foot. He is still on a lot of pain
meds and Tylenol at night to sleep, which doesn't seem to be going too
well (sleeping).
Today is Danny's little brother Joey's
birthday. Joey is the 6th of our 7 children and we had him in our
family for 6 1/2 years until a bike accident in April, 1991. Joey
would be 23 today. We remember his birthday with grapes and teddy
grahams. Over and over for months ahead of his birthdays he reminded me
"Mommy, mommy, don't forget my grapes and teddy grahams." So
I took some to Danny today when I ran errands.
Joey came to know the Lord
A few days before his accident, when I was
praying with him at bed time, he said, "Mommy, I'd like to go live with
Jesus right now!" I whispered to the Lord in my heart, "Oh Lord,
we love him so much!!" But I said to him, "Joey, we'd all like to
go live with the Lord Jesus wouldn't we!! Someday we will."
Only a few days later, his "someday wish" came true.
A few days after Joey's funeral, Danny, 13,
and Stephen, 4, were together in the basement. I heard Stephen
climbing up the stairs on all fours with Danny behind him, both of them
all smiles. Danny announced, "Mommy, Stephen has something to tell
you!" So Stephen told me that Danny had talked to him and
explained how he can be sure he too will go to heaven. Stevie in
an uncomplicated childlike way believed God then and there and asked
Jesus to be his Savior. His big brother Danny led him to the Lord.
At that point every member of our family was sheltered, safe forever, by
the blood Jesus shed when he died on the cross. In the midst of
our grief, God gave us comfort that the family circle will again one day
be unbroken. And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes;
and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither
shall there be any more pain. Revelation 21:4
Here pictures of Joey and Danny. I
made the bottom picture large so you can read the poem Danny printed on
a grocery pad and handed me the day after the accident.
John, Joey, Danny
John, David, Joey, Timmy, Danny
Please be sure your children wear bike
helmets, even just around your house and on the sidewalk. Please be cool
and you wear them too. If you don't, they won't either. Most
serious bike injuries don't even involve cars. (gravel, potholes, etc.)
Dan has about 90% sensation in his right foot now. Not nearly as
much in the left. He saw the doctor today and got permission to
put weight on the right leg. This translates into a few more days
at the Rehab Institute, at least into next week. Everything else
is about the same.
"Look to Me and be saved, all the ends of
the earth! For I am God, and there is no other. Isaiah 45:22
My apologies for missing a day here. Dan is
so busy these days that I couldn't get him on Friday. But he'd
talked to John and I didn't know that until later. :-)
Dan is starting to "walk" with the walker
in that he can put weight on his right foot now. Very encouraging.
He will be at the rehab hospital a few more days as a result. If
I can get a picture I'll post it. Once he leaves the hospital for
a "healing time", he
will do outpatient therapy 3 days a week.
The joy of the LORD is your strength.
Nehemiah 8:10
Dan is balancing here, not actually walking
alone yet. Doesn't he look great!!!
I apologize once again that apparently I
prepared but didn't actually upload Tuesday's update. That's
what comes of working too late at night! So this is for Tuesday
and Thursday.
A lot is happening pretty quickly with
Dan these days. He has a lot of motion in his right foot and
jerky motion in his left. The muscles are weak so he can only
lift his foot a few inches off the ground, but he is doing well enough
that rehab started him on two canes to actually "walk" a little and
that worked "pretty good" according to him. He tried one cane it
didn't work too well. He has to keep his upper body very
straight and not bend over at all. He says it's a lot of work.
The pain levels are better and the meds
are lasting longer. He can go several more hours into the
evening before his "hits that bump" where he needs to get back in bed.
The doctor has extended his time in the
rehab hospital several times this month as his mobility and weight
bearing has increased. Now his deadline to leave the
hospital is this coming Saturday, Oct 4.
He plans to move in with friends nearby
in the downtown area and continue outpatient therapy 3 times a week.
He expects to use a wheelchair for long distance mobility and crutches
around the house.
The next couple of months he will
concentrate on further healing and then take up issues such as a
career change.
God has been very merciful to Dan and to
us all. We are so thankful. Dan expressed his
gratefulness for all the prayers and kindnesses from everyone in their
help and support.
After Dan moves out of the hospital, we
will post updates less often as progress will likely be gradual over
the next months. I will do the (more or less) even numbered night
schedule until he gets settled at his friend's place and then go to
once a week and eventually the 15th and 30th of the month.
John and I leave tomorrow for Columbus
Ohio for a 6th funeral in 6 weeks, and plan to return Saturday night
after the funeral. So it is most likely that I will not get the
update on Dan's move posted until sometime Sunday afternoon or
You have been my Help,
and in the shadow of Your wings I sing for joy. Psalm 63:7
Dan moved from the rehab hospital to his
friend's place today. He says from now on he needs to build up
strength in his leg muscles over the coming weeks. He hopes to be
able to go from crutches or 2 canes to less and less assistive support
and hopefully back to normal again.
From now on I will post an update on the
15th and 30th of the month or if something unusual to mention comes up
in between.
We are so grateful to those of you who have
faithfully prayed, tracked Dan's situation online, signed his guestbook,
visited, called, and shared so flowers, gifts, cards, etc. Your
support has been amazing and appreciated. Thank you again.
We met many of you for the first time
through this accident. It was a pleasure to get to know you all.
Please remember that Dan has a family that loves him and cares about him
and his friends. Feel free to keep in touch with the rest of us.
You prayed for Dan and for us. Let us know how we can pray for
Every time I think of you, I give thanks to
my God.
Whenever I pray, I make my requests for all
of you with joy,
And I am certain that God, who began the
good work within you, will continue His work until it is finally
finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns. Philippians 1:3, 4,
David, Tim, Drew and Su, Olive, John,
Steve, Phil, Dan
Danny is doing extremely well, far
better than we ever imagined, thank you Lord. His left leg is still a
good part numb but he has enough movement to be able to use it with
crutches. A week ago he walked up 3 steps into our dining room using 2
crutches, and on Saturday he walked into our Bible conference in Crystal
Lake using one crutch. He can do it if it's not too long or too far. He
really shocked a lot of us in a good way. Ever since his pelvis healed
enough to bear weight things have improved very quickly. He still gets
tired and is still on pain meds but the pain is better. So there's a
lot to be thankful for.
Oh that men would praise the LORD for his
goodness, and for his wonderful works to the children of men!
Psalm 107:8
Dan visited us yesterday with Su and he is
doing well. He has lost weight. He used one cane and there
is a limp, but it is amazing to see the slow but steady improvement in
only 3 months.
Dan still stays with friends near the rehab
hospital on the lakeshore, and still goes for therapy on an outpatient
basis. He does not know what he will do long term once the healing
time is past.
The past months have brought many changes
for Dan. For our country political change and financial
uncertainties take front and center stage. It is comforting and
steadying to depend upon the Creator of the universe for a rock solid
standard in troubled times. He says, “I am the L
God showed how much He loved us by sending
His one and only Son into the world so that we might have eternal life
through Him. 10 This is real love—not that
we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son as a sacrifice to
take away our sins.
Furthermore, we have seen with our own
eyes and now testify that the Father sent His Son to be the Savior of
the world.
Such love has no fear, because
perfect love expels all fear. We love each other because He loved
us first. (1 John 4:9,10,14,18,19)
We'll update next on November 15. Our
warm greetings to all of you whom we met at the time of Dan's accident.
Sorry for the delayed post.
Dan is walking pretty well now, using one
cane most of the time, but occasionally not in the house. He
doesn't need a wheelchair anymore, and is transitioning off the back
brace. He still lives with his friend in downtown Chicago and is
still in therapy a couple of times a week.
Here is a picture of Dan in our home with all the
"boys" except David.
John, Tim, Dan, Phil, Steve 10-29-08
Now may the God of peace Who brought again
from the dead our Lord Jesus, the Great Shepherd of the sheep, by the
blood of the eternal covenant, equip you
with everything good that you may do His will, working in us that which
is pleasing in His sight, through Jesus Christ, to Whom be glory forever
and ever. Hebrews 13:20
All you who fear the L
The L
We can praise the L
Praise the L
November 17, 2008, Monday with picture
Oh dear how the dates got away from me!
This post is a week late!!
Dan took the train to St. Louis for the
Thanksgiving holiday and weekend to visit cousins, aunts, uncles,
grandparents, etc.
He says he uses the cane less and less,
still goes for therapy and still lives with a friend downtown. He
walks with a limp but he's walking!! Thank you Lord!!.
There are no long term plans to report.
This is what God has testified: He has
given us eternal life, and this life is in his Son. Whoever has
the Son has life; whoever does not have God’s Son does not have life.
I John 5:11, 12
I have written this to you who
believe in the name of the Son of God, so that you may know you have
eternal life, and that you may believe on the Name of the Son of God.
I John 5:13
For the wages of sin is death, but the free
gift of God is eternal life through Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 6:23
Believe in the Lord Jesus and you will be
saved. Acts 16:31
Very little has changed for Dan recently.
He still lives with friends in the downtown Chicago area. He can
drive now. He can walk without a cane, but carries a folding cane
with him.
We will post another update around the New
Year and then do a monthly post around the first of the month.
As we reflect upon the past year with it's
many events, joyful and tragic, both in our own lives, the lives of our
friends, including new friends we met through Dan's accident, and in
this world in general, it is refreshing to consider the words Jesus read
in the Jewish synagogue 2000 years ago from the book of Isaiah.
“The Spirit of the L
After fulfilling these words for several
years, Jesus was crucified. But out of unspeakable love, He gave
His life at that time to pay our sin debt to God . With that
accomplished, He offers us an incredible spiritual life starting now.
It extends beyond the physical grave to eternity spent with Him.
Scripture simply says that eternal life is
so amazing that it cannot be described in words, but for sure it is "all
good." Believing that He has done this is the way to accept this
gift. "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved.
Acts 16:31
Again, there is little to report regarding
Dan's situation. He is still with friends downtown, doing rehab 3
times a week. He is able to drive and was with us for Phil's graduation
from nursing school/college, and also for our family holiday meal on
Christmas Eve. He walks better each time we see him and uses the
cane less and less at least for short stints. No long term plans
to report.
Last year was eventful for our
family in that Drew and Su got married and Dan's accident took center
stage in turn. We met wonderful new friends and renewed
acquaintance with many old friends and relatives through both events.
This fall we attended 6 funerals for well loved extended family members
and long standing old friends, at peace knowing that they all are
consciously now "with Christ, which is far better". But we'll miss
them. On a happy note, we enjoyed an extended visit from my sister and brother in
law Walt and Anna Porter and daughter Katie and a family friend, LeMoine
Smith, as Walt and LeMoine remodelled 2 of our bathrooms. In
December Phil graduated college and nursing school with honors. We gave thanks
to God for his loving kindness in particular in that both Drew, our new
son in law, and Danny were both present as part of the family circle at
the close of the year.
Here is a centuries old promise that still
has meaning as the old year ends and a new one begins.
But the land, land which the LORD
your God cares for. The eyes of the LORD your God are always on it,
from the beginning of the year even unto the end of the year.
Deuteronomy 11: 11, 12
Happy New Year to you all!! Our
prayer and wish are that you consciously rest in the assurance that the
Creator of the Universe is also your Savior and constant companion in
an often restless and troubled world.
Dan still lives with
friends downtown and goes to rehab several times a week. He
can walk longer periods without a cane (over an hour). Recently he
started what amounts to a jog on the machines in therapy. Progress
is inching along in a good direction, and we are thankful.
"Give thanks to the LORD,
for his steadfast love endures forever." 2 Chronicles
Dan continues to improve.
His left leg, which is the one that was broken, and in worse shape, is
stronger. He walks only with a slight limp. He is no longer
a policeman. This summer he plans to teach ground school classes
at the drop zone where he was injured and perform administrative duties
there as well. He still lives with his friend in the Loop at the
"I waited patiently for the
Lord; and He inclined to me and heard my cry. He drew me up out of
a horrible pit, out of the miry clay, and set my feet upon a rock,
steadying my steps and establishing my goings.
How happy is the man
who has put his trust in the L
Many, O Lord my God, are
the wonderful works which You have done, and Your thoughts toward us; no
one can compare with You! If I should declare and speak of them, they
are too many to be numbered." Psalm 40:1-5
Feel free to call. It is easier for you all to call us. We may
forget to make all the needed calls.
John's cell
- 630-808-2160
cell - 630-808-2079
cell- 630-808-2820
Tim's cell - 630-808-6964
Drew and Su
cell - 630-244-2237
Phil's cell
- 630-430-7704
cell - 630-956-0670
Family home phone 630-638-9126 or
9127 (fax)
Work - John, Tim, Steve, Bible Truth
Publishers, 630-543-1441
Family home address (not Dan's home
address), 427 S. Lincoln, Addison, IL 60101
Contact Us at
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