Scriptures and
Worship - Scriptures
speak for themselves in these matters. God clearly stated He
originally made us
male and female but that is not a verse to quote to chemically gender altered
people. They have heard it over and over and it is a reminder that
they have been altered from that original design, not by their choice. We would not
point out other
physical differences, ex., cleft palate, to the person affected and
should be just as courteous and thoughtful of gender altered people.
God knew sin would change His designs and He made provision for those people who are gender altered in some way. While many references in the Scriptures do refer to men who are injured or castrated for slavery, He also speaks of "eunuchs of the womb". (Matthew 19:12) God makes provision for these altered people, who are both male and female from the womb or perhaps after birth also. He clearly states that these people should live for Him and should worship and have a special place in His House. (Isaiah 56) We as His representatives in this hurting world can be His hands and feet and ears as we minister to their needs. Acceptance and support for their difficult lives will help them live moral lives of significance and honor among us. This is a field white to harvest once they know we accept and call them by their name. Even God Himself said, "I am Who I AM". No one else is any different. It is important to know that most gender altered people assume they are a product of evolution or that there have always been more than 2 genders. There is some reason why they believe this because they can prove that they have dozens of genetic combinations beyond xx or xy,such as xxy or xxyx and so on. Therefore they do not accept Scripture that there are only 2 genders. They do not realize that disruptive substances are mutating xx and xy into these alterations that God did not design in the beginning. This is no different from many other developmental physical differences that some individuals sustain usually in utero, and it is hard for them to accept that their situation is a birth alteration (do not use the word "birth defect"). They want to be accepted as normal people just like everyone else. Christian gender altered people cannot explain why they are gender variant but they know they are. Most of them do not know the role of chemicals and toxins. Nonetheless, even with the varieties of physical alterations suffered throughout humanity, caused by a world affected by sin and suffering, we are all still made in the image of Christ. We are all precious, loved and redeemed by His precious blood. Unfortunately in some ways these people often know this better than "cis" (ie traditionally gendered) Christians and they know that Scripturally we should accept them as does Christ. Therefore they see rejection and mistreatment by Christians as even more hypocritical and abusive than from people who do not name the Name of Christ. Conversely, all of us, regardless of gender or attraction, are here for God's glory and are expected to live our lives according to God's instructions. Statistically, gender altered people are not a pedophilic community, contrary to media hype. Sadly Christian and Catholic pastors and priests cannot claim such a reputation for their professions. This double standard angers gender altered people immensely, for good reason. They suffer enough without the indignity of this undeserved label from Christians whose own community's reputation is far less than stellar. It is obvious that evil forces are at work to specifically set Christians and gender altered people against each other, using ignorance and twisted media hype to misrepresent both sides to each other. It is hoped that information on these pages will help clear away the mists of confusion and hatred between these two groups. If you wish to speak to someone or communicate with Christian gender altered people, call 630 808-2079 or email |
The verses/files below are letter size and can be downloaded as jpgs or pdf. Click on the picture for links to clickable pdfs. |
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Letter from A Christian Gender Altered Person to Cis Christians |
A Response to Church Leaders Who Decry Revoice and Celibacy |
Letter to Christians Regarding Drag Queems in Libraries |
Church Strategies to Avoid Endocrine Disruptors |
Summary - Perspectives I have learned |
Page 2 - Details of Perspectives I have learned |
Page 3 - Details of Perspectives I have learned |
Page 4 - Details of perspectives I have learned |
Ezekiel 34 - A Word to the Shepherds |
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