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FAQs Page

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FAQ's - Frequently Asked Questions

There is one question not to ask gender altered people.  Never ask if they have had "bottom surgery", even if they are free with many other details about their situation.  (And never, ever, intentionally call them by their misgendered name if you have any interest in reaching them for Christ.)
This webpage is still in progress.  For the moment one file has been uploaded that lists a number of questions many people often consider regarding gender alteration issues.  In faith based communities there are questions relating to whether these people should worship and take communion, marry, change to correct persona including name and pronouns, how far to try to have children, etc., which rest rooms to use, and many others.  Some are quite private and normally no one else's business. Sensitivity is needed, but due to the inevitable gossip and gravevine effect, in some cases public truth in details may be necessary to avoid killer rumors, literally.  This is shameful.

Misunderstandings so commonly held among especially older members of faith based communities become clearer with explanation of the actual medical and social dynamics.  For many "cis" folks this requires significant time to process, pray, and adjust to the reality of the issues.  Particularly some men have a very difficult time handling these situations (Trans phobia and homo phobia).  To a point, we need to be patient with each other, yet we face a serious, too often immediate, crisis.  Since endocrine disrupting chemicals came into common use back before the 1950's, not only our children and young people but older persons as well, everywhere, are affected, including in our churches, who are finally putting words and action to their lifelong dilemma (those who did not commit suicide already). It is vital that we grasp the concepts ahead of a time we may have need of them.  Suicide and alienation is very common for gender altered people.  That statistic is very much tied to social acceptance and support or rejection by family and friends.

The questions listed below are common and often thoughtful and reasonable ones asked by people who are trying to understand the gender alteration phenomenon.  The Missing Piece (endocrine and genetic disruptor substances) clears up a lot of them.  Most of these questions represent some stage of the adjustment process and are not listed to shame the questioners (with a few outlandish exceptions!) but to aid us all as we each pass through those stages.  Without credible information, most of us won't progress beyond these questions and may make up our own "stories" to explain them. 

God has a very simple solution for the social side of this matter.  He commands us to "Love one another, as I have loved you, to be kind to each other, and to tarry for one another."  How much vicious gossip and malicious ignorant behaviour among us would go away if we took that command (not suggestion!) seriously! 

The Church has erred so severely in these areas that the secular gender altered community fears Christians as they do ISIS and nurses a deep hatred for them as a community. They know that Christian's mistakes are the main impediment to mending their miserable social dilemma.  They believe, with proof, that Christians intend to passively cause them to die (ie, murder them by creating homelessness, or outright shoot them) while keeping themselves "lily white and godly" in the process.  (This is called "Phariseeism" in the Scriptures.)  Paradoxically, many gender altered people want Christ and the salvation, love, comfort and acceptance He Is, and to have a church home, but "cis" (traditionally gendered) Christians are the stumbling block.

"Brethren, this ought not so to be!"  We all need to learn more, to be part of change to God's perspectives on this matter and behave as Christ intends us to represent Him here.  This honors Him, and as usual, God's way is the safer way, practically speaking.  Christians are earning a reputation for being a genocidal community that eventually could turn back on themselves as "needing" to be eliminated!
Contributions to this section are welcomed, especially respectful comments, concerns, and questions that have been raised in real time situations. 
There is an unintended space between this section and the next.  Scroll to find the next content block.  Working on a solution.

Gender Alteration
Resources for Cis Christians
Includes a Concerns and Questions Section not appropriate for gender altered persons.

What is hermaphrodite? What is A (Agender) in LGBTQIA? What is gender fluid?
What is the Q in LGBTQIA
What is T (transgender) in LGBTQIA? What is I (Intersex) in LGBTQIA? What are wannabe's What is L (Lesbian) in LGBTQIA?
What is B  (bisexual) in LGBTQIA? What is G (Gay) in LGBTQIA What are cross dressers, transvestites, and drag queens? Doesn't nurture fix nature alterations?
What is gender dysphoria? Why do transgenders want new pronouns? How many gender altered people are there?
Why do transgenders commit suicide?
Aren't transgender people by definition
pedophiles, sexually deviant and immoral?
What are the 4 major categories of opinion
re same sex attraction, SS behavior,
and SS marriage?  
What about the verses about men
 being effeminate?
What is trans and homo phobia
Aren't transgender people demon possessed? Aren't transgender people mentally ill?  Don't transgender people have transition regret? Aren't transgender people drag queens?
Aren't transgender people cross dressers? Don't transgender people attack women and
children in bathrooms??
What is transgender panic and what laws are being made about transgender panic and murder? Why can't transgender people just use the locker and bathrooms of their birth ID?
Where is the sense of gender identity in the body? Doesn't abuse cause gender/attraction changes? What is conversion therapy and why is it outlawed? Why are little children being given hormones and surgery?
Do some people really think they are
part animal and why?
What are endocrine disruptors? How do endocrine disruptors cause gender alteration? Why don't endocrine disruptors cause gender changes in everyone? Can I avoid endocrine disruptors?
Where is a list of endocrine disruptors? Why was there such a differnce of opinion on endocrine disruptors for so long? Why are endocrine disruptors still on the market if they are so bad? What is the Weinburg group?
Is it too late to avoid endocrine disruptors What chemicals and other substances can act as endocrine disruptors? What is the "low dose effect"? What is aromatase and what does it do?
What is chimerism? What is the significanced of the rainbow in LGBTQIA? What is the concern with aborted fetal cells in products including vaccines, and gender variations? Haven't there been gender variant people throughout history?
How did these immoral chemicals get approved by the EPA?  Why don't they remove them now? Why don/t chemical companies and the EPA consider gender alteration to be a problem? I  
Who are "Two Spirit" people in the Americas and "Third Gender" people in India What is going on with Drag Queens reading
stories to children in libraries?
Why do transgender people say there are
over 50 genders?
How are gender and reproductive alterations in the brain diagnosed?
Why doesn't the Bible mention transgender? What is a eunuch? Aren't eunuchs only men? What is hypomachoism?
Can't a dna test clear up whether a person
is male or female?
Can't you just look at the "plumbing" when a baby is born and know that child's gender? What reproductive anatomy defines gender? When or should surgery be done on a baby?
How often does the parents/medical professions' choice of a child's gender turn out to be right? Isn't it ridiculous to say that chemicals and toxins are causing reproductive and gender alterations? Why call these changes "alterations" instead of "birth defects" or "variants" What are DES babies? (Diethylstilbestrol)
There are theories on the internet that royalty has transgendered their children for centuries.  Is this true? It says on the internet that Michelle Obama is transgender. Is this true? Who decides a person's gender?

Are babies "clean slates" upon which nurture will write their stories including their gender? Why are some parents not assuming their child's gender at birth?  Is this medically/socially/psychologically recommended? Why are other birth defects such as cleft palate or thalidomide babies accepted and treated, but gender alterations (defects) mistreated and rejected by Christians? Who should a person who is both male and female be attracted to?
Shouldn't intersex people go away and form their own churches separately from churches for "cis" people? If a baby is misgendered at birth shouldn't they accept this from the Lord and live as the the parents chose for them and raised them? Isn't transgender just an excuse to be homosexual? Why don't "T" people want to be lumped with LGB?
Why are LGBTQIA people so militant, "pride", etc. Shouldn't LGBTQIA persons be lined up and shot as some Christian pastors are preaching today? Why are Christians contemptuous of gender altered people and kick them out of their churches and families? Why are gender altered people so upset and deeply angry with Christians?
Why can't suicide hotlines safely tell depressed gender altered people about Christ's love for them without risking triggering the suicide? Haven't gender altered people heard that God made us male and female? Why do many gender altered people hate Christians but want Christ? What is a possible underlying agenda behind the trans furor in media and politics?
What is the Weinburg group? Why do men in particular struggle with gender alteration concepts and some (alpha?) men extremely to the point of beatings and murder of the victims? Why do some people with handicaps of their own particularly mistreat gender altered people? Why do some Christians accept intersex
 and hermaphrodite category people but
not the transgender category?
What is the Nashville statement? What is the Revoice movement? What do family members experience as their loved one deals with gender alteration? What are the known long term medical and social effects of gender treatments?
Does reproduction define a person's gender,
with or without assistance?
What part do demons play in gender situations not only for the affected person but those persons and churches dealing with them? What part does medical science play in the gender alteration situation.
Can gender altered people be Christians if they transition to their gender of identity if their body does not match or partly does not match? Hasn't royalty transgendered and cross
dressed their childen for centuries?
Are there Christian transgender peoeple? I have heard that antiparasitical treatments have removed the drive for certain homosexual behaviour in some people.  Is this true and why.
Who is John Money? Who is Walt Heyer? Who is Sam Allberry What is Family Research Counsel?  Why are they agitating to passively eliminate gender altered people?
Communion question?  Should a church that cites that "the moral trumps the physical" force a natural female hermaphrodite to cross dress as male if she with IVF unnaturally reproduced as male years before, due to medical mistake?       

Below is a summary of Dr. Warren Porter's list of EPA Omissions in the Safety Registration Process

In other words, these are all the areas that they do NOT test before approving a new chemical.





Endocrine Disruption Abstracts  Clickable pdf  Most of these papers were shared by Dr. Warren Porter, PhD