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Dr. Louis J. Guillette, PhD

Medical University of South Carolina, University of Florida, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Howard Hughes Medical Institute

Dr. Louis Guillette was both a professor of obstetrics and gynecology, and a marine biologist.  He is famed for studying the effects of chemical pollution on the reproductive systems and behaviours of alligators living in previously polluted Lake Apopka, Florida vs alligators in less tainted areas.  He identified these alligators as a sentinel species, and researched the implications they may have for human reproductive biology and behaviours.

Dr. Elizabeth Guillette, PhD 
Associate Professor/Researcher of Anthropology at University of Florida

Louis' wife Elizabeth "Buzzy" Guillette, PhD and associate professor at University of Florida, is best known for her Yaqui Valley children studies.  She capitalized on a natural experiment when part of an indigenous group moved away from the Yaqui Valley to the foothills to avoid  chemical sprays used on the crops in the valley.  Elizabeth found troubling differences in the second generation children in the valley that are worth noting today.  This is a landmark study that is taught in environmental studies at universities.
Below is a showcase of a few researchers who have studied endocrine disruption and other effects of environmental toxins including gender alteration.
Most of the descriptions of these scientists under the photos are also links to their curriculum vitae's.

       Dr. Warren Porter, PhD.,
      University of Wisconsin
Professor Emeritus of Zoology
    and Environmental Toxicology

Link to Warren Porter's Page

Dr. Fred vom Saal
of Missouri, Columbia
      Curators’ Distinguished Professor
Emeritus of Biological Sciences

Link to Fred vom Saal's page

Dr. Tyrone Hayes
University of California Berkeley
Professor of Integrative Biology

Link to Tyrone Haye's page

Dr. Louis Guillette, PhD
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
and Medical University of South Carolina
Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology
Doctorate in Comparative
Reproductive Biology
Endowed Chair in Marine Genomics
Professor Howard Hughes Medical Institute
University of Florida Distinguished
Professor of Zoology and
Associate Dean for Research

Dr. Elizabeth
A. Guillette,

University of Arizona
Associate Professor
and Researcher
University of Florida Anthropology Dept.
Health and culture

                            Yaqui Valley children study                

Link to
Louis & Elizabeth Guillette's page


Dr Don Huber
Emeritus Professor of Plant Pathology at

Purdue University
 Associatee Director of the US Army Medical Intelliegence Center

Link to Don Huber's page

Dr. Theo Colburn
Professor Emerita of Zoology, University
of Florida, Gainesville

Founder of
The Endocrine Disruption Exchange,
B.S. in Pharmacy, College of Pharmacy

at Rutgers University

M.A. in Science

Western State College of Colorado,


Link to Theo Colborn's Page

Dr. Michael K. Skinner

Coming -
Link to Michael Skinner's page

Dr. Bruce S. McEwen

Coming -
Link to Bruce McEwen's page

Dr. Louis Guillette, PhD.
University of North Carollina at Chapel Hill and Medical University of South Carolina
Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology
Doctorate in Comparative Reproductive Biology
Endowed Chair in Marine Genomics
Professor Howard Hughes Medical Institute
U of Florida Distinguished Professor of Zoology
and Associate Dean for Research

Link back to the
Science page

Dr. Louis Guillette Curriculum Vitae 1

Dr. Louis Guillette curriculum vitae 2

Dr. Louis Guillette publications

Dr. Louis Guillette Dies - Orlando Sentinel

GoMRI mourns the Passing of Dr. Louis J. Guillette
Dr. Louis Guillette at Northwestern - Endocrine Disrupting Contaminants and Reproductive Health:  Alligators as Canaries in a Coal Mine

1 hour 9 minutes  Published July 2015

Lou Guillette

57 minutes

Dr. Louis Guillette PhD -
Sentinel Wildlife Species:

What They are Telling Us
 About Our Health

Lecture starts at 20 minutes 40 sec

48 minutes

Medical University of South Carolina
Dr. Louis Guillette PhD

10 minutes 10 seconds

Dr. Louis Guillette
and his work with gators

published 2015
2 minutes 43 seconds

Dr. Louis Guillette
Appreciation video January 2012

9 minutes 42 seconds

Dr. Louis Guillette Jr.
2014 South Carolina Upstate Research Symposium Keynote
Many science details of endocrine disruption

1 hour 13 minutes 37 seconds

Elizabeth A Guillette, PhD
University of Florida


Health and Culture

An Anthropological Approach to the
Evaluation of Preschool Children Exposed to Pesticides in Mexico

Altered Breast Development in Young Girls in an Agricultural Environment

Broad Based Evaluation of Pesticide Exposed Children

Elizabeth Guillette Post on her
Yaqui Valley Children study

The Yaqui Valley Study

 Guillette - Alterations in Ecosanoid Development

Louis and Elizabeth Guillette
Environmental Contaminants and Reproductive Abnormalities

Dr. Elizabeth Guillette -
Examining Childhood Development in Contaminated Urban Settings

Toxic Legacies

A write up on the Yaqui Valley study
by Dr. Elizabeth Guillette

Dr. Elizabeth Guillette, PhD
Yaqui Valley Anthropological Evaluation of Children Exposed to Pesticides Report
to the 33rd National Pesticide Forum -
Dr. Guillette is the 1st speaker,
Minute 0 - 14:15

We know that we originate with God, but the whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one.  1 John 5:19

But the nations became wrathful, and your own wrath came, and the appointed time came for those fearing your Name, the small and the great, and to bring to ruin those ruining the earth."
Revelation 11:18


Below is a summary of Dr. Warren Porter's list of EPA Omissions in the Safety Registration Process

In other words, these are all the areas that they do NOT test before approving a new chemical.



Endocrine Disruption Abstracts  Clickable pdf 

Most of these papers were generously shared by Dr. Warren Porter, PhD