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The Science Page - This
scientific information, compiled and presented by a lay person, is helpful in understanding
the challenges faced by gender altered individuals, their
families, churches, coworkers and friends. Some of this
information was brought to the editor of this website unsought,
literally thrown on my plate when I was not looking for it. A
number of papers were kindly supplied by Dr. Warren Porter, University
of Wisconsin, Madison, professor of zoology and environmental
toxicology. Dr Porter and most of the other scientists featured on this page
are not professional activists. They are all busy scientists, working
in labs and in the field. They warn us of the
devastating effects of many of the chemicals they study.
They are deeply concerned for our children and from their vantage point
call for immediate change. That change starts with personal decisions
individuals, families, and particularly churches who support families. The social attitudes,
peer pressures and policies of the church usually
influence the homes and families that church serves.
God specifically says that shepherds must have knowledge and
understanding and not put their own interests and reputations above the
needs of the flock. Good credible science is a knowledge of God's
handiwork, His creation and the effects of man's mistakes made against
his original perfect designs.
In short, these chemicals and other toxins, are making too many of our
children gender altered and/or same sex attracted, in addition to
promoting many diseases. Yes natural toxins and other
influences have always caused a few cases of gender alteration
throughout the centuries, but the onslaught of these substances today
has dramatically increased the incidence.
This page showcases a few of the hundreds of scientists who study
endocrine (glands and hormones) disruption with video lectures and links
to their and many other scientific papers. These scientists are
all well worth our thoughtful and rapt attention.
Dr. Warren Porter is a easy scientist to hear first.
His signature lecture is an
understandable overview and is featured
on this page as a full length audio with powerpoint. It is also
divided into short clips according to individual topic These small "bytes" of teaching may be an easier way to absorb the
initial concepts. The lecture was presented to the Midwest Organic
and Sustainable Education Services (M.O.S.E.S.) Conference 2015 with the
Q & A added from an earlier 2010 lecture.
Here is a document of
resources on
gender alteration.
Here is document of scientific abstracts.
Many more are coming. Search for "Endocrine disruption" for many more.
Dr. Louis Guillette, PhD
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and Medical University of
South Carolina
Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology
Doctorate in Comparative Reproductive Biology
Endowed Chair in Marine Genomics
Professor Howard Hughes Medical Institute
University of Florida Distinguished Professor of Zoology and Associate
Dean for Research
Dr Elizabeth Guillette, PhD University of Arizona
Associate Professor and Researcher
University of Florida Anthropology Dept.
Health and culture -
Valley children study
Dr. Theo Colborn, PhD.
Professor Emerita of Zoology,
U of Florida, Gainesville,
Founder of the Endocrine Disruption Exchange, B.S. in Pharmacy, College
of Pharmacy at Rutgers University,
M.A. in Science, Western State College
in Colorado, Gunnison
Dr. Theresa Deisher, PhD. Children of God for Life Smoking gun research on Aborted Fetal Cells
and insertional mutagenesis
Is this affecting gender?
more coming Link to Dr. Theresa Deisher's page
Twin situations, including male/female hermaphroditism more coming