Dr. Theo Colborn. PhD
Ph.D. at the University of Wisconsin-Madison in Zoology (distributed
minors in epidemiology, toxicology, and water chemistry)
M.A. in Science at Western State College of Colorado (fresh-water
B.S. in Pharmacy from Rutgers University,
Theo was the first scientist to notice endocrine disruption in wildlife
when she observed female gulls sharing nests in the Great Lakes region.
She pinpointed pollutants as the cause and continued to investigate the effects of
these toxins for the rest of her life. Affectionately known as "Mom"
among the younger scientists whoffollowed
footsteps, she fought industry and regulatory control of these
substances until her death in 2014. She was a formidable
warrior for the health of our children and for a sustainable habitat for
wildlife and our planet. Theo coauthored "Our Stolen Future",
numerous scientific publications and founded "The Endocrine Disruption
Exchange (TEDX)" www.tedx.org . TEDX is a non profit organization dedicated to the science of
endocrine disruption and education of the public to its dangers and
remediation strategies. She
opposed the practice of fracking
for natural gas as a disruptive and dangerous practice that contaminates
the environment, poisons our water supply, and endangers local
communities in which
it is
practiced. Theo published and lectured
extensively on the transgenerational effects of toxic chemicals on the
developing endocrine, immune, metabolic, and nervous systems in the womb
and early childhood. The Endocrine Disruption Exchange website still