Welcome to The Trans-Christ-ian Bridge. This page is intended to be a peaceful, faith based place for traditionally gendered ("cis"),
"heterosexual" people to become familiar with the
"missing piece" information presented here, and then meet and communicate with gender altered or same sex attracted people, away from the noise and hype of today's media. May the information and interactions here be for mutual benefit to
all, to the honor of our Creator and Saviour the Lord Jesus Christ, and under the power and protection of His precious blood. Is this possible? lonely, risky, painstakingly slow? Yes, but HE is breathtakingly
worthy and thousands of souls, some of them our own children and families, are at stake!
The Missing Piece
There is a missing piece of information in the medical and social gender alteration discussion.
Many environmental
chemicals and toxins are endocrine and genetic disruptors and are
altering babies in utero and possibly after birth.
Literally these substances in relevant doses at critical split second
moments can change boys into girls and girls into boys, or feminize/
masculinize them on a spectrum of various alterations.
Twin related events in utero and genetic anomalies can cause similar
alterations. Natural toxins and
estrogenic plants, mercury, etc have probably been responsible for
rare cases of gender alteration throughout history, but the soup of chemicals today have
increased the incidences drastically. Social responses to these effects have largely fallen harshly
from the hands of the Church as the good samaritan and comforter
into secular ideologies that do not always reflect Christ.
Better information can improve understanding and support affected persons
and families and their churches. This web page focuses
on that missing piece of endocrine and genetic disruption as well as
the complicated personal/social dynamics of the rainbow of alterations in the light of Scripture.
behaviour choices, with or
without alteration, are acknowledged also.